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We all dream of falling in love and living happily ever after, right? I don’t know about you, but finding the right person to do that with is hard. So, my helpful tip: if you want to find true love, READ A ROMANCE.
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We all dream of falling in love and living happily ever after, right? I don’t know about you, but finding the right person to do that with is hard. So, my helpful tip… if you want to find true love, READ A ROMANCE. You can’t go wrong, and you won’t get hurt. And you can get all the sex, kink, and more out of each story. What could go wrong??
This bookmark, printed on high-quality glossy cardstock by a professional printer, is 6 inches long by 2 inches wide.
I design all these bookmarks myself and hold all rights to these designs.
I make a wide eclectic variety of things in many different mediums. I am working on several kink-based concepts that will all be coming out this year. One is a Submissives Training Journal/Planner. I strive to bring unique ideas come to life that are anomalous to the world as we know it. I create things from Hair bows for Ageplayers, custom crochet pieces for any human, to bookmarks for anyone who reads or just wants to give something fun and humorous to a friend or family member. I don’t have a niche, but while I look for that I am just doing what makes me happy and creating things every day.
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